2016’s Biggest food trends taking root in Berlin and abroad


Berlin’s famous for it’s ability to offer diners cuisine and culinary creations from around the globe. You can find authentic Turkish, Vietnamese or Chilean food all within a block of each other. Berlin is also the place where food trends take root.

Vegan & vegetarian

Berlin’s first vegan pizzeria. Source.

Berlin is not only the vegan & vegetarian capital of Germany, but probably offers some of the widest variety of options throughout Europe. You can find vegan pizza places, ice cream, bakeries and even butchers! This was not only a trend that took over Germany in 2016, but also the world. Across the planet vegan-centered books were sold in numbers like never before and schools around the globe started to integrate more plant-based options as part of their daily offerings.

“Meat free Monday” may become part of the norm?

Besides vegan and vegetarian food options, what other trends took root not only in Germany but throughout the world? As we firmly cement ourselves in 2016, here are some of the most popular things people loved to eat last year.


Made from fermented black tea and full of amino acids, probiotics, B vitamins and electrolytes, kombucha was an emerging trend popping up throughout the world last year. Since two years ago, it’s estimated that the market for kombucha has increased 30%. This fizzy drink is good for joint health, digestion and natural energy.

Acai bowls 


While muesli is a popular choice for breakfast in Germany, a twist on the traditional concept – the acai bowl – was hugely popular in 2016. The bowl looks like a refreshing smoothie, is nearly as delicious as a bowl of ice cream – but without the guilt. The berry contains less sugar than many other fruits and has one of the highest levels of antioxidants. When consumed regularly, it can help to prevent arthritis, inflammation, obesity and allergies.

Decorating these bowls in a visually-appealing way took over Pinterest this year.

You can add a variety of toppings such as granola, honey, nut butters, or other fruits such as banana, strawberry or kiwi.


Coconut milk soup.

This traditionally tropical fruit isn’t reserved for Piña Coladas. Today, it’s firmly cemented itself in the superfood family and a great dairy-free alternative for cooking, drinking and eating. It’s super versatile – you can get coconut water, coconut milk, coconut oil and even coconut flower. It can be used in desserts and savory dishes in a wide variety of cuisines.

Locally grown foods

The demand for locally produced food is on a steady rise. Consumers are increasingly interested in knowing not only where their food was produced, but also how and by whom. Alternative food networks such as community supported agriculture (CSA), farmer’s markets and even the traditional German biokiste are increasing in popular and quantity throughout the globe.

So what does 2017 have in store for us?

