Aquarius brings Brazil right into the cinemas of Cannes

Aquarius brings Brazil right into the cinemas of Cannes (Foto: official pressfoto)
Aquarius brings Brazil right into the cinemas of Cannes (Foto: official pressfoto)

Aquarius takes the audience in France, Cannes on a journey to and into Brazil. The 65 year old widow Clara is pressured from a Investment company to move out of her apartment. But the last word hasn’t been spoken yet.

Kleber Mendonca Filhos’ Aquarius

Clara, a 65 year old widow and retired music critic grew up in a rich and traditional family in Brazil. Now she is the last inhabitant of Aquarius, an original two-story building built in the ‘40s. Located near the beach the building is in one of the best regions of Recife. All the other apartments have already been bought by the company to pursue further money related goals.

Clara is certain though. No money in the world can make her move out. In fact, she said only the death itself could convince her. If necessary, she is willing to engage in a long-lasting fight with the company. This confrontation is frightening and mysterious at the same time. Clara’s so important daily routine is being annoyed with stress all the time – which makes her think about her beloved ones and her family.

Holding on to the past

Her life at home means everything to her (Foto: official ressfoto)
Her life at home means everything to her (Foto: official ressfoto)

Memories are intangible and fluid? Today everyone take so many pictures with their phones and discovers new music every day. We might don’t have time to enjoy the moment anymore. We are bombarded with media so much that we take it for granted and not as something precious. For Clara every record in her shelf, every photo on her desc has a special meaning and its own memory.

Her home is everything for her. She and the love of her life brought up three children here. Every day she pulls out another record and engages in melancholic dances – memories are the most important thing in Clara’s life.

Aquariius – unbelievable and intensive film experience

Director Kleber Mendonca Filhos created something very special. With an eye for stunning details and a breathtaking sound design he created a unique atmosphere in his premiere screening in Cannes.

Clara loves the beach (Foto: official pressfoto)
Clara loves the beach (Foto: official pressfoto)

The wonderful Brazil is captured in slow camera takes and filled with impressive images. Even more impressive is the music: often old songs from Queen were playing from beginning to end. Once you let go you start getting old memories yourself.

Aquarius succeeded where many other films fail badly. This movie tells a story, without actually telling it. It gives the audience freedom to interpret, to draw their own opinion. Topics like the social (unfair) situation in Brazil and geographical alternation are playing only in the background, giving enough space for the character study to unfold.

The film follows Clara and her emotional struggle with her own principles and the maybe obvious thing to do. She gets pressured by everybody, even her family to sell her apartment. But she stays strong and embraces the pain her resistance entails. A movie filled with the battle in your own mind, love and rationality.

